20. Mid-1700s - early 1900s

The Seven Years War | The American Revolution | Maritime Exploration | The French Revolution | Napoleon Bonaparte | The Industrial Revolution | The American Civil War | Cowboys and Indians | The Aeroplane/Airplane

Oliver's Site

Table of Contents | 1. Earth | 2. The Origin of Life and Evolution of Man | 3. Civilisation | 4. Fertile Crescent | 5. Egypt | 6. Indus Valley | 7. Yellow River (Haung He/Huang Ho) | 8. Hittites, Canaanites, Phoenicians, Assyrians | 9. New World (B. C./Pre-Columban) | 10. Greeks and Persians | 11. Rome ( - B. C. - A. D. 96) | 12. Saul of Tarsus | 13. Rome ( - A. D. 275) | 14. Rome and Byzantium (Nova Roma) | 15. Islam | 16. Charlemagne | 17. Vikings | 18. Turks, Crusaders, Mongols, Moors, Explorers and Conquistadors | 19. Reformation, Enlightenment (1300s -1700s) | 20. Mid-1700s - early 1900s | 21. The Great War | 22. Inter-War Years | 23. The War in Europe and Africa | 24. Second World War | 25. War in the Pacific | 26. Defeating the Axis in Europe and Africa | 27. End of Japanese Imperialism | 28. Ending the War | 29. Conquest of Space | 30. Averting Nuclear War | 31. End of Empire | 32. Man on the Moon | 33. Arms Race and Limitation | 34. Lifting the Iron Curtain | 35. The 21st Century | 36. Outer Space | 37. | 42. 

Monday 3 February 2025 03:44

Continued from page 19. Renaissance, Reformation, Enlightenment (1300s -1700s)

The Romantic Movement
A reading of The History of Western Philosophy by Bertrand Russell (1945)

The Modern Philosophers


Program # 36 of the 1987 lecture series The Western Tradition by Eugen Weber at UCLA











Jean-Jacques Rousseau

1712 - 1778

Jean-Jacques Rousseau (1712 - 1778)
of Geneva; philosopher, writer and
composer; his philosophical writings
inspired the French Revolution

A reading of The History of Western Philosophy by Bertrand Russell (1945)
Note: Pronunication of many words by the reader are incorrect

Jean-Jacques Rousseau (1712 - 1778)
par Henri Guillemin
(audio sans image)
(le même avec image)

Dans les pas de Jean-Jacques Rousseau 

- Rousseau en Rhône-Alpes
épisode 1 - Genève, l'enfance
épisode 2 - Annecy, l'amour
épisode 3 - Turin, la servitude
épisode 4 - Chambéry, le bonheur
épisode 5 - Chambéry, les Charmettes
épisode 6 - la vallée du Rhône, le voyage
épisode 7 - Lyon, l'éducation
épisode 8 - Lyon, la musique
. . . . . . .
épisode 9 - Lyon, la botanique
épisode 10 - de la Chartreuse au Pilat, la nature
épisode 11 - Bourgoin, les confessions
Two lectures by Iván Szelényi from the course Foundations of Modern Social Theory (socy 151) at Yale U., Fall 2009
Lecture # 5.
1. Rousseau in a Historical Context
2. Major Works and Lasting Legacy
3. "The Social Contract": Major Themes
4. Book I: Legitimate Rule, Diluted Justice, Popular Sovereignty
5. Book II: General Will, Law and the Lawgivers
Yale U. site:
You Tube:
Lecture # 6.
Rousseau on State of Nature and Education
1. General Will (cont.)
2. Émile: Major Themes
3. Nature is Good; Society Corrupts
4. Turning Savages into Social Beings
5. Men and Women, Sexuality and Love

Yale U. site:
You Tube:
Democracy and Participation
Three lectures by Steven Smith from the course Introduction to Political Philosophy (PLSC 114) at Yale U., Fall 2006
Lecture #18.
Democracy and Participation: Rousseau, Discourse on Inequality (Author's Preface, Part I)

1. Who Is Rousseau?
2. Rousseau's State of Nature
3. Civilization and Property: How Man Transitioned from Nature to Society
Yale U. site:
You Tube:
Lecture # 19.
Democracy and Participation: Rousseau, Discourse on Inequality (Part II)
1."Amour-Propre": The Most Durable Cause of Inequality
2.Civilization and Its Discontents
3."The Social Contract"
Yale U site:
You Tube:


Lecture # 20.

Democracy and Participation: Rousseau, Social Contract, I-II

1.Introduction: Social Contract and the General Will
2.Applications of the General Will
3.The Legacies of Rousseau

Yale U. site:


You Tube:





1694 – 1778
Portrait of François-Marie Arouet (1694 -
1778), French writer, historian and philosopher, by Maurice-Quentin de Latour in 1735
Voltaire (1694-1778)
par Henri Guillemin
Candide, ou l'Optimisme (1759)
Candide ou L'optimisme
Livre Audio Complet en Français
Voltaire's Candide
Discussion on the BBC's In Our Time with Melvyn Bragg, 3 May 2012


Louis XV

Louis XV (1710 – 1774) (Louis le bien aimé).

King of France and Navarre (1715 - 1774).

Reigned with a regent in full control to 1723.

Reigned with a chief minister in partial control to 1743.
The Bourbons - Louis XV


Louis XV, le Soleil Noir



Place Louis XV à Paris

Designed in 1755 and named in honour of Louis XV.

The equestrian stature of Louis XV.


Frederick the Great
(Friedrich der Große)
1712 – 1786
Frederick Hohenzollern; King Frederick II of Prussia ("Old Fritz"/Der Alte Fritz) (1740–1786); Prince-Elector of Holy Roman Empire; Elector of Brandenburg; Philosopher; 'Prince of the Enlightenment'
Started the Third Silesian War by invading Saxony in 1756
Frederick the Great
BBC documentary with Christopher Clark
or, the same:
Map of Prussia (1600 - 1795)
The Rise and Fall of Prussia/Preußen
Prussian history recounted over a map
Der alte und der junge König (1935)
Der Große König (1942)
Friedrich der Grosse - Alles oder nichts
The Silesian Wars (1740 - 1763)
War of the Austrian Succession (1740 - 1748)
First Silesian War (1740 - 1742)
Second Silesian War (1744 - 1745)
Prussian infantry attacks the Austrian army at the Battle of Hohenfriedberg (today in Poland) (Second Silesian War of the War of the Austrian Succession) (1745)
Hohenfriedberger Marsch
Seven Years' War (1756 - 1763)
The Third Silesian War (1756 - 1763)
Der Choral von Leuthen (The Hymn of Leuthen)
1933 German movie about the rise of King Frederick the Great and his victory over the Austrians at the Battle of Leuthen in December 1757, assuring that Prussia retained control of Silesia during the Third Silesian War (1756 - 1762) or Seven Years' War (1756 - 1763).
(83 min.)

Battle of Leuthen, 1757
Animated Battle Map
or, the same, on You Tube:
Leuthen 1757
Der Choral von Leuthen
(The Hymn of Leuthen)
Clip from the 1933 movie Der Choral von Leuthen, the hymn was composed in the 1600s and sung by the Prussian army after its victory at Leuthen.



Die Schlacht bei Leuthen





Pomeranian War (1757 - 1762)
Great Northern War 1720
East Prussia from to 1653 - 1945
Top map: Seven Years War (French & Indian War) (1757 - 1763); bottom map: Pomeranian War (1756 - 1762) and Third Silesian War (1756 - 1763)
Frederick the Great
Discussion of the weekly BBC radio program
In Our Time hosted by Melvyn Bragg
2 July 2015

Add here:
Peter III
Catherine the Great


William Pitt
William Pitt "the Elder", First Earl
of Chatham (1708- 1778), British
leader during the Seven Years War
William Pitt, 1st Earl of Chatham
Speech in 1741 from the series Greatest 
Speeches in History

King George II of England
George Augustus (1683 - 1760), German Protestant;
as Prince of Wales inherited British crown from his father, George I, and reigned as King George II of Great Britain and Ireland (1727- 1760);
Duke of Brunswick-Lüneburg;
Arch-treasurer and Prince-Elector of Hanover in the Holy Roman Empire (1727 - 1760)




King George II


Excerpt from a lecture by George S. Stuart




King George III of England
Full-length portrait in oils of a clean-shaven young George in eighteenth century dress: gold jacket and breeches, ermine cloak, powdered wig, white stockings, and buckled shoes.
Image result for King george III
George William Frederick (1738 - 1820),
- King of Great Britain and Ireland (1760 - 1820);
- Duke of Brunswick-Lüneburg (1760 - 1814) and King of Hanover (1814 - 1820);
- Elector of Hanover in the Holy Roman Empire
(1760 - 1820).

Portrait painting (1762) by Allan Ramsay of Scotland (1713 - 1784)

Image result for King george III
Crop to head



Seven Years War (1756 - 1763)
Sixth French & Indian War
France against Britain in North America (1754 - 1763)
Third Silesian War - Prussia against Austria (1756 - 1763)
Pomeranian War - Prussia against Sweden (1757 - 1762)
Third Carnatic War - France against Britain in India (1757 - 1763)



Colonial Expansion


North America 1492-1763


By Erpi Classroom Films (1942)


North American history explained over a map from Columbus to the end of the French and Indian Wars





History of Colonial America

1497 - 1763
Description over a map of Spanish, British, French, Dutch, Swedish colonization of North America
This video begins with John Cabot, omitting Columbus

French & Indian Wars (1689 - 1763)
Intercolonial Wars (1688 - 1763)


Sixth French & Indian War


Fourth Intercolonial War (1754 - 1763)
























The Seven Years War and the Great Awakening


Crash Course (US version)





The Seven Years War


Crash Course World History (# 26)





French and Indian War


1962 Documentary





The War that made America


The French and Indian War


4-part PBS documentary


1. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9SaT7yvv6bE


2. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=I9x-dxmaEVw


3. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tTM0KyY86DA


4. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TwbRRihtXcY





La Guerre de sept ans (1756 - 1763)
Racontée par Voltaire



William Fowler Jr.


On the Seven Years' War


2006 Canadian TV interview





A Year that Changed North America




2013 Canadian TV interview





Why the French & Indian War is worth remembering


The Ironies


Lecture by Fred Anderson, University of Colorado, Boulder, Colorado



Results of the French and Indian War
Part I.
Part 2.
Battle For Canada 1759
Episode from the documentary series History's Turning Points
Québec History


1. Natives Americans 1




2. Natives Americans 2




3 - The French-Indian Alliance




4 - The Fall of Huronia




5 - The End of the Iroquois Wars




6 - French and English Rivalry




7 - Great Peace of Montreal 1701




8 - French and Indian War




9 - Battle of the Monongahela




10 - The Acadians Deportation




11 - Battle of Fort William Henry




12 - Battle of Carillon




13 - The British Conquest 1759




14 - Invasion of Québec City




15 - Battle Plains of Abraham




16 - Battle of Ste-Foy and Pontiac





continued to the American Revolution

Histoire du Québec


Épopée en Amérique:


Épisode 1 - Vaincre la mer (1534-1608)




Épisode 2 - Naissance d'une colonie (1608-fin du XVIIe siècle)




Épisode 3 - Explorer un continent (1608-1743)



The same, divided into shorter sections:
Histoire du Québec
1 - Le Nouveau Monde



2 - Jacques Cartier 1534




3 - Samuel de Champlain 1608




4 - Les Missionnaires Jésuites




5 - Les Guerres Franco-Iroquoises




6 - Les Filles du Roi




7 - Les Grands Explorateurs




8 - Les Habitants




9 - La Culture et les Femmes




10 - La Guerre de Neuf Ans




11 - La Guerre de Sept Ans




12 - La Conquête Britannique 1759




13 - Le Traité de Paris et Pontiac



History of Canada
Episode 1: When the World Began



Episode 2: Adventurers and Mystics




Episode 3: Claiming the Wilderness




Episode 4 - Battle for a Continent

Removed from You Tube




Canada: A People's History


Episode 4 - Battle for a Continent

Removed from You Tube



Le rapatriement des Français d'Acadie




Empire Colonial Français


1. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ljmGt2GbgXg


2. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Qum9Ub4PLWc

Treaty of Paris at the Old State House
Boston, Massachusetts
February 1763
Of the 27 articles of the treaty, four concerned Canada:
Le Traité de Paris de 1763 - la fin de la Nouvelle-France




Table ronde preséntée par Pointe à Calliere, Musée d’archéologie at d’histoire de Montréal, le 9 février 2013


Première partie:


Thème I. Les clauses du traité




Deuxième partie:


Thème II.


La France a-t-elle cédé ou abandonné la Nouvelle-France




Troisième partie:


Thème III.


Quel est l'impact du Traité sur les Canadiens?




Quatrième partie:


Thème IV.


Les conséquences du Traité. Qui a lui bénéficie des conséquences du Traité parmi les trois grandes puissances?





Le 10 février 1763 — Le traité de Paris


La France peut être heureuse sans Québec


Denis Vaugeois, historien








Royal Proclamation of 1763




Royal Proclamation of 1763

Forbade British expansion westward into French and Indian country (October 1763)
Territorial expansion of the United States
1763 - Present
Description over a map







Documentary about the early travellers and settlers in the Appalachians







Continue to next page.